When Is The Best Time To Start a Business?

Some have harbored thoughts of starting a new career or business, but keep putting off taking a serious look at it – waiting for just the right time. When will that come? If you want to be self-reliant and take your future into your own hands, there is no better time than now to do a self-assessment and discover how you can plan for transforming your future. Our coaching methodology does that.

Imagine for a moment…

…if you could start a business without needing a lot of money; the tools and technology you need for running your business are already there for you at little to no cost; and there are people available to support you in growing your business. The only thing that’s needed is the main ingredient: YOU! Your unique knowledge, skills, experience, commitment, and hard work.

Would you consider starting your own business if that was the case? Guess what—that is the case. So what are people waiting for?

For many, they hesitate because they don’t realize the resources they have available and also haven’t taken the time to put together an action plan they have high confidence in. This goes for starting a new business or career.

So many have realized a way to achieve success and personal security, and that’s being your own boss. They don’t wait on the economy, government,  luck, timing, or whatever, but create their own future.

This can be done by people recognizing the sum of all their resources as experience, skills, and more they don’t realize, as a valuable human asset; and as such, realize they are their own greatest resource they can leverage in generating a brighter future.

There has been an expanding shift to the entrepreneurial economy that’s enabled by the availability of low-cost, high-value technology and information. It’s possible to look bigger, do more, and be more efficient and professional with less cost.

And for the serious who want to make their own road-map to success in whatever venue or elevate their career, they make the smart first move to get an experienced coach with a process and methods that can enable them to save effort, time, and even money, while providing a better opportunity of success.

Contact us to learn if this is your time for what you want to have happen in your life!

© 2013-2017 Glen International, LLC

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  1. It’s content is not changed
  2. Credit is given to W Glen Thompson of Glen International LLC
  3. The following statement is included with it:
    “Professional Coach, Consultant, and Author W Glen Thompson coaches people around the world how to reach Life, Professional, or Business Goals that transform their future. Get his FREE AUDIO “7 Secrets to Success” at www.WGlenThompson.com“