unhappiest jobs

Unhappy Boring Jobs – Yours like This?

Are you just going through the daily grind of a job feeling bored, unhappy, or unfulfilled? Thinking you’ve got game for a better career or even a business of your own, and want to change? A survey by CareerBliss has researched the Happiest and Unhappiest Jobs in America. Here is what they looked at and what they found…


geen money raining titled

Financial Worry? Money Is No. 1 Stress Per Survey

Are you stressed out over finances? A survey has found that money is the number one stress for people. It also pointed out that there seems to be a connection between people’s well-being and their finances. Nearly three-quarters of the respondents said they were stressed about money and some went on to say it was affecting their health.



Americans Stressed With Anxiety Levels Ticking Up – What To Do?

A new study says Americans are stressed out with increasing levels of anxiety over things like politics, finances, safety and security, education, and the future. The latest annual “Stress in America” survey by the American Psychological Association is providing warning signals for Americans who are more stressed out today than a decade ago. The good news is that the sources of stress are known and there are things that can be done about it.



When Is The Best Time To Start a Business?

Some have harbored thoughts of starting a new career or business, but keep putting off taking a serious look at it – waiting for just the right time. When will that come? If you want to be self-reliant and take your future into your own hands, there is no better time than now to do a self-assessment and discover how you can plan for transforming your future. Our coaching methodology does that.

Imagine for a moment…


Bill Belichick

5 Lessons Coach Bill Belichick’s Super Bowl Patriots Teach You On Leadership[VIDEO]

Coach Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, and the New England Patriots have proven themselves the greatest of all time in the NFL, owning the record for most Super Bowls reached and won. They are also considered by many as the G.O.A.T. across all sports. Their approach resulting in stability and consistency offers lessons learned for leadership and unparalleled success as pointed out in this video.



An Accelerated Approach to Goal Setting

Goal setting is a most important activity for achievement of our ambitions. Instead of things just happening and being at the mercy of circumstances, effective goal setting makes a difference in our success level. In this video and article linked below, Entrepreneur Network partners outline their own personal rules to achieve accelerated goal-setting.



People Burned Fire Walking Across Hot Coals – Necessary For Success?

Previous news reports have said that dozens of people were burned after walking over hot coals at a Tony Robbins motivational seminar.

Reports said Robbins didn’t speak publicly about what might have gone wrong, but his organization, Robbins Research International, issued statements saying that “Someone not familiar with the fire walk observed the event and called 911 erroneously reporting hundreds of people requiring medical attention for severe burns.” However, news reports described ambulances and hospitalizations.

But is it necessary to fire walk across hot coals to achieve the success you want? (more…)

jumping off cliff

How Can You Risk Taking the Leap Without It Being Reckless?

What makes Donald Trump and tight-rope walker Philippe Petit kindred spirits? What does Oprah Winfrey have in common with Evel Knievel? What makes Steve Jobs the same as Harry Houdini? All of these people are risk takers. So how can you take the leap to success without jumping off a cliff? (more…)